William Benkő was brought up in the United States, where he was exposed to many people with self-confidence. He was surprised to see how many people are struggling with low self-confidence in Hungary, a country full of extraordinary talents struggling to find a voice. We are afraid to stand up for ourselves , to openly express our ideas in public and to defend them without feeling attacked. However, a successful country needs confident citizens. We need people, who trust themselves. If they trust themselves, they will take risks and dare to do things others only dream of. According to William Benkő, the shortest way to build and improve self-confidence is by practicing public speaking. Most people detest speaking in public. If you want to get ahead of your competition, do what they don’t want to do. That is the main reason why he has established the Speak Academy, because you need a tool to build the confidence.
Those, who have excellent communication skills, find that they achieve greater success in their business and personal life. Everyone can improve in their speaking, even if they are more quiet and shy by nature and feel anxious about standing in front of the audience; but it takes more than wanting to be better. You have to apply yourself. We agree with Ralph Waldo Emerson’s words -impressive and influential speaker of the 19th century -, saying that:
„ All the great speakers were bad speakers at first”.